What Are The Types of Product Photography?


Photography is a creative art, just like painting and sculpting. Their outcome is to create an image that can inspire, motivate and engage. Whether you enjoy taking pictures for yourself, or sharing your images with friends, or are interested in potentially selling your work, product photography might be a great creative outlet for you.         

Product photography in portland is a type of commercial photography that involves taking pictures of products for commercial use. Product photography is intended to portray an object in an attractive or interesting manner.   

The various types of product photography are: 

1.    Simple Studio Shots

Simple Studio Shots are the most basic type of photography when it comes to professional product images. This photography is done in a professionally equipped studio. They can be individual or group images, standalone objects, against a white background or arranged with other props against a rainbow-colored background for social media placement.

2.    The Lifestyle Shot


The lifestyle shot is what you would use to show the customer what their life will look like by using the product. For this, the product will be presented in its natural environment, where it's expected to be used by the customer. These lifestyle shots help the customer imagine what using the products in their life and home would mean for them.


3.    The Scale Shot

The scale shot is a photo of the product that shows how big or small the product is relative to its environment. It helps customers to know more about the size of the product. Before you buy something in a brick and mortar store, you interact with it, but when it comes to shopping online, you don’t have that option, so you have to make it as clear as possible in your photos.


4.    The Group Shot


Displaying products in the same collection is another interesting technique that businesses can use to market their products. Laying out products in groups can present an entire product range in one image. Grouping can help depict depth, variations, finishes and angles of a product in an image.


     Wrap Up-

     One of the best things about product photography is that it allows creativity to be explored. The important thing is to understand who you wish to communicate with, to properly know the platform you are using to display the image and, of course, to ensure that each photography represents the brand and its values.

    KRP Photography is one of the best portrait photographers in PortlandThey specialize in magazine shoots, advertising, branding campaigns, and headshots. Visit KRP Photography website! 
